2023 – 3rd Thursday of every month 10am.

Productive, fun, inspiring business events

You have questions…

Click here for the answers.

Our members are business men and women, business development managers, charities and more.

You have to be passionate about what you do, want to network, share your knowledge and get involved with a vibrant community of professionals supporting one another. 

And it’s fun, supportive, makes you accountable to results and it works!

What you need to do?

Comment on the event post on our Facebook page, LinkedIn page or confidential mastermind group that you are attending or email us at – we wish to compile a list of attendees.

How to access the event

Go to the confidential mastermind group on Facebook – click on the link we share and join us. It is in our Insiders Room where we also have our Insider chats and catch ups.

What’s going to happen at the event (I’m not nervous!)

10am; Prompt arrival please – we run events to time to respect your busy diary – don’t worry you can hang around afterwards if you would like to.

Introduction and hello.

1st hour – 60 seconds – a chance for you to share something about your business, a success story, who would be good to talk to – if you are not confidential to do this you can let us know in advance and on the Insiders we can support you to create an awesome 60 seconds. 

It’s essential we know how many are attending to ensure there is enough time for everyone to speak.

2nd hour – R and R – reflect and review session – We will aim to hear from as many businesses as we can;

What you are working on? 

Who do you need to connect with and why?
What’s not working for you?

What you need to learn more about – marketing, sales, confidence, profit, time management, SEO, Legal matters, IT, Cyber security, best practices, communication skills, imposter syndrome, increasing your prices, blogging, writing a book, social media, email marketing – whatever you need help on, we are here to share advice and ideas – and you will get FREE coaching from Mandie Holgate too!

From the R and R session you can set an accountability goal that you will work on for that month and report back on the following month and best of all – you’ve got the Insiders to help you achieve it!

After the event;

Stick around and have a chat and/or post your goals, links and a reminder on what you do to the Insiders. 

We work together 24/7 to support your success – if the time of day, day of the week doesn’t work for you, tell us more. You can also complete this survey to tell us what you want from us and what your business needs. Click here to download

Not an Insider?

Learn more by clicking the button below or email us at 

Please note when booking our events that entering the event you are aware that we do take photos and short videos to enable us to further promote you and raise your brand awareness. If you wish to not be included could you advise us prior to the event and we will ensure you are not filmed or photographed. How you wish to do business, matters to us. 

14 years of award-winning support for you and your business…

OUR SPONSORS mandie holgate cbd Business Show partners with INsiders


Sponsorship fee – £250 for 2024
Insider rate £150 for 2024
Includes writing for our blog, sponsored banner and links!

We are named as one of the top 15 resources in the UK for female entrepreneurs by 99 Designs.
And our one of Small Business Saturday Top 100 businesses (As featured in The Guardian).

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