Business Owners Succeed with INsiders support!

Members gain unprecedented opportunities for profit, growth, and sustainability from their first week.

Tangible results, fast include;

  1. Increase Sales: Discover the potential for substantial sales growth. One member generated £118,000 in sales within just 16 months! And another gained a £2 million contract with the aid of our sales communication training.
  2. Awards and Recognition: Elevate your business profile. Many members have proudly won UK-wide awards through working with us.
  3. Dream Contracts: Secure the contracts you thought were out of reach. Our training delivers.
  4. Overcome Business Fears: Gain confidence and overcome business fears with our supportive community and top UK coach Mandie Holgate
  5. Drive Website Traffic and Sales: Learn strategies to drive targeted traffic to your website, leading to increased sales.
  6. Effective Public Speaking: Master the art of public speaking and communication and even speak in front of large audiences! Overcome the fear of the microphone with our proven techniques.
  7. Product and Service Exposure: Showcase your products and services to potential new customers, expanding your reach and clientele.
  8. Business Growth: Achieve significant business growth through our powerful networking and learning opportunities.
  9. Skill Development: Continuously learn and enhance your skills through our engaging workshops and resources. We can train your staff too.
  10. Expand Your Network: Meet like-minded individuals, gain valuable connections, and expand your professional network.
  11. Stay Motivated and Inspired: Stay motivated and inspired by surrounding yourself with a community of driven entrepreneurs.

Affordable Investment:

Experience all these benefits for just £25—an unparalleled investment in your business success!

Insiders told us they’d pay between £49 and £1250 a month for our resources and services. The price may be small but the results are huge!

15 years of award-winning support for you and your business…

OUR SPONSORS mandie holgate cbd


Sponsorship fee – £250 for 2024
Insider rate £150 for 2024
Includes writing for our blog, sponsored banner and links!

We are named as one of the top 15 resources in the UK for female entrepreneurs by 99 Designs.
And our one of Small Business Saturday Top 100 businesses (As featured in The Guardian).

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