Spiritual insiders
Bringing spiritual business owners and professionals together
Time to unleash your spiritual side!
Many business owners and professionals admit to having an interest in the more spiritual side of things.
This could be a passion for mindfulness and meditation.
An interest in Angel numbers or a belief that there’s far more to this world than what we can currently prove.
Whatever you belief, many are turning to a more holistic and spiritual way of supporting their success.
Exploring ancient philosophies and practices and discovering how they can make business and life better

A confidential place to explore what spirituality means to you.
To share your stories and practices.
To get your spiritual business seen, loved and helping more people.
What’s it all about?
If you joined The Insiders for business then no problem. The Spiritual Insiders will remain separate to the Insiders business growth and networking community. This is an additional service and resource to support those seeking to look after their own physical, emotional and mental health and help others to reach the optimum of health and happiness too. We appreciate how this can impact on business and team success!
This is a place to share your journeys, learn new practices and meditations, share your knowledge, grow spiritual businesses and ensure people find your good quality business instead of the many jumping on the spritiual bandwagon.
Hosting meditations and training. Our Founder Mandie Holgate will be on hand to support those that would like to get vocal on their spiritual business and together we will share practices and ideas that make lives better.
We PROMISE to keep the woo woo (mostly) to the SI. As we appreciate it’s not for everyone and that’s fine too. Insiders will always be about professional development, high quality networking and introducing, training and support.
This is a place to learn balance, love and understanding of the bigger world around us. We are small but mighty!

How do I join The Spiritual Insiders?
- You can alter your existing Insiders Direct Debit or PayPal payment.
- Email us to advise you have done this. The date the payment will arrive and the amount. We will grant you access to The Spiritual Insiders.
- If you wish to move away from PayPal, email us and we can send you account details to move both your Insiders and Spiritual Insiders payment amount.
- Or join here.
Email us here – subject “Spiritual Insiders”
Want to be considered as a speaker?
Want to host a training session?
Tag @Mandieholgate on the SI confidential mastermind group. We would love to be amplifying your spiritual voice and sharing your practices!

15 years of award-winning support for you and your business…
Sponsorship fee – £250 for 2024
Insider rate £150 for 2024
Includes writing for our blog, sponsored banner and links!
We are named as one of the top 15 resources in the UK for female entrepreneurs by 99 Designs.
And our one of Small Business Saturday Top 100 businesses (As featured in The Guardian).