Business Womans Network


​​Your local Business Womans Network Group

​Third Friday of Every Month*

(Not including school holidays)*

Jobserve Stadium

United Way,

Mile End,



Event Dates

19th Jan, 23rd Feb, 16th Mar, 20th April, 18th May, 15th June, 13th Jul (2nd Friday), 21st Sept, 19th Oct, 16th Nov, 14th Dec (2nd Friday) 2019 already confirmed for 3rd Friday of every month – missing school holidays.

(Big events Birthday event March, Summer event July, Christmas event November.)

You can pay as you, and it’s fine to just turn up.

Don’t forget the early bird ticket finishes 1 week before the event.

A Golden Ticket for 2020 gets you tons of benefits, discounts and more – £125 – A saving of £40 straight away!

Bring 2 friends and you attend for free. 

Learn more about a Golden Ticket here

Exhibit at any of our events for just £35 (includes 1 ticket).  

Have you joined the powerful Insiders yet?

Would you like to sponsor this event? £100 includes a 10 minutes speaking slot, exhibitors stand, 1 ticket and business literature on every place setting and online marketing prior and after the event across our social media and digital marketing too. Golden Ticket price £75.

2019 dates

18th January, 15th February, 15th March (Celebrating our 10th Birthday!) 19th April. 17th May, 21st June,  12th July (Summer exhibition), 20th September, 18th October, 15th November, (Christmas Exhibition), 13th December

21st Sept – How to scale up your business Masterclass and Networking Event

Are you risking becoming the biggest impediment to their business growing.

Can you get sucked into working in the business and are not spending enough time on the business.

Do you know how to level up?

Are you working incredibly hard and not seeing the benefits?

Do you want to grow?

Do you need to take the strategic lead and learn what to let go of?

Could you be neglecting your own development? One of the greatest dangers of success is it leads to complacency. A dangerous place to be in a world changing as fast as ours is today. Don’t let that happen to you.

Discover the critical leadership behaviours which underpin business growth.

Golden ticket 2019

Proudly sponsored by Lighthouse Training and Development

19th Oct – 5 ways to nail your video marketing masterclass and networking event

Video marketing is a must for every small business owner!  Folake Bee, has worked with ​Anthony Robbins, Cheryl Cole and more and nkows how to make it work. In this masterclass for women in business learn vital tips:

How to produce quality videos

How to do capturing Facebook lives

And how to nail your video marketing with ease.

This masterclass will be interactive, upbeat and you will leave with tips that you can use straight away.  

Exhibiting at this event is The Children’s Heart Federation, Therapia and Jayne Lloyd Photography.

You can exhibit at any BWN event for £35 (includes 1 ticket)

Got a Golden Ticket? It’s just £13.50 to exhibit!

19th Oct Video marketing networking Essex Colchester 2018 networking

Sponsored by Great Ormond Street Hospital

We look forward to hearing how women in business can support GOSH

16th Nov – BIG Christmas Shopping, Gordon Tredgold Masterclass Networking event

He’s back! You said he was the BEST speaker ever. And Gordon loved us too, so he’s back! International speaker, author and coach. This is a not to be missed event!

Exhibiting at this event is Queen Bea Makeovers, The Children’s Heart Federation, Therapia and Jayne Lloyd Photography.

You can exhibit at any BWN event for £35 (includes 1 ticket)

Got a Golden Ticket? It’s just £13.50 to exhibit!

Sponsored by You?Sponsor this event for £100 – includes 1 ticket, 1 stand, 10 minute spotlight speaking slot, promotion across our network and marketing up to the event.

Golden Ticket price £75

Gordon Tredgold at The BWN network Essex

14th Dec – Masterclass Networking event

Exhibiting at this event is The Children’s Heart Federation, Therapia and Jayne Lloyd Photography.

You can exhibit at any BWN event for £35 (includes 1 ticket)

Got a Golden Ticket? It’s just £13.50 to exhibit!

Sponsored by You?Sponsor this event for £100 – includes 1 ticket, 1 stand, 10 minute spotlight speaking slot, promotion across our network and marketing up to the event.

Golden Ticket price £75

Sponsor bwn website networking

Find yourself free to attend at the last minute?

It’s fine to just turn up on the day. Bring 2 guests to an event and attend that event for FREE!Would you like to learn more about why our network works for business, confidence, motivation and success? Read more about the structure of events and what to expect here.

Please note when booking our events that by purchasing a ticket and walking through our doors you are aware that we do take photos and short videos to enable us to further promote you and raise your brand awareness. If you wish to not be included could you advise us prior to the event and we will ensure you are not filmed or photographed.

​Colchester Coordinator – ​Mandie Holgate


Founder of The Business Womans Network Mandie Holgate still hosts our North Essex events as well as being a Coach to busy Business Owners and hosting privately funded training programmes for businesses in areas of Confidence, Achieving your goals, Creativity, Marketing & Sales, Business Growth, Public Speaking, Focus, Accountability, Leadership, Networking, Reputation, Business Communication,Time Management, Motivation & Fear of the Phone.

Mandie is also a powerful professional speaker who really gets her audiences thinking and changing their actions having spoken for national conferences and is often in the media speaking about business success as well as areas such as work life balance and serious illness and successful business.

To learn more about our Founder say “Hi” to her social media all accessible via her website

Mandie’s second book can be ordered now on Amazon and you can join Mandie on The Insiders where you can ask any question to help increase your success. To learn more about our Founder say “Hi” on her social media all accessible via her website Mandie also has courses aimed at busy business owners from just £14 (everything she does it aimed at helping you make sacks of cash, not spend it!) And you can get a discount on these too as an Insider.

Mandie likes to guarantee everyone to the BWN a warm welcome so look out for this face

Mandie Holgate corporate head shot

​​OUR SPONSORS mandie holgate cbd Business Show partners with INsiders


You can have your logo and contact info and link included on every page of this site for £200 through to the end of 2018!  2019 is £395 (Golden Ticket price £275) 

We were named as one of the top 15 resources in the UK for female entrepreneurs by 99 Designs in 2016. And our one of Small Business Saturday Top 100 businesses for 2017 (As featured in The Guardian)

Would you like to get in front of our audiences?


Copyright 2018 ​The Business Womans Network

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