How To Walk Away From The Office. Ignore The Phone, Emails, And Customers And Still Make Money.

You may have noticed the Insiders has been a bit quiet with our Founder out of the office for a month. Here Mandie who has serious holiday blues, explains how to make money while on holiday.

Okay it’s a lie, she doesn’t have holiday blues, she came back to new business, sales, enquiries and a lot of money in her bank account, so obviously she is grinning and raring to go….

“I’m still technically on holiday until Monday (I like to make time to clear the email mountain, catch up with clients and look after my mastermind group before I start adding more work to my week.)

However, on checking PayPal and my business account. I’ve made enough money to literally wash the clothes in the cases, and clear off on holiday today!

How cool is that?

So let’s not faff about here.

How did I do that?

  1. I’ve a clear vision on what I do and why I do it.

My absolute passion is small businesses and helping them make money, work well, work less hours, and enjoy self employment. I know how to grow businesses and teams, and I’d do anything for my clients and mastermind group. Knowing why you do what you do is critical for so many reasons. In many of my courses, including the How to Quit the day job course I walk pre start up and established businesses through the essential stages to running a successful enterprise. These are often overlooked in that hunt for sales and the need to make money. We are so easily distracted by everyone else and what they say will work. So you have got to know why you are doing what you are doing.

2. I know my audiences.

I mean really know them! I can tell you more if you head to my site to read the full story here.

See what I did there?

Thanks Mandie, great to have you back!

Well nearly she is back next week just before our July virtual networking event, and due to demand there will be a face to face networking event very soon too!

We have a lot of plans to help you, your business and team grow this year, so if you don’t find what you need, you can;

  • Tag us on the confidential mastermind group.
  • Email us at

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