Networking brings businesses from 6 counties for fun, focused networking and business growth

We had a great business growth and networking event this May at the stunning The Barn, Essex. It’s one of the oldest barns in the UK! We made time to chat, share ideas on how to grow our businesses, swapped business cards, got diaries out and best of all – made sales!

Business men and women came from across Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, Hertfordshire, Staffordshire and Cambridgeshire to network and do business.

We’ve heard of 15 sales already!

A massive thank you goes to Tina Wing Photography for these fabulous shots that really tell the story. Yes we were all that animated! You can purchase any image for £25 here. Please do not use our IP without prior permission, thank you.

Below the images you will see a least of the businesses that attended. Our next event is virtual with the same Promo Hour and then Power Hour. 19th June, 10am. Do join us. Members from Scotland to Italy will be there!

business man at the insiders networking
business networking insiders the barn essex
business networking insiders the barn essex
angel clark 1oak care
isobel chaplin ijc accounting
shelia steptoe
sally anderson wai pr
tracey lott fordham travel agent
business networking insiders the barn essex
james kearney koala digital
anita huckle sex therapist
michelle mersh madisons
business networking insiders the barn essex
ian ibrahim chirsties care
ian ibrahim christies care
carla beard koala digital
stephanie blythe cakeworx
caroline author free to be and business woman
bea marshall business woman
lili myers networking
business networking insiders the barn essex
business networking insiders the barn essex
business networking insiders the barn essex
Raj children heart federation
isobel chaplin ijc accounting
michelle taylor celebrant
sally anderson wai networking pr
tracey lott travel agent
james kearney koala digital
hazel kettlewell
sam wood the only way is rowing
michelle mersh madisons
creeksea place barns
carla beard koala digital
lydia adams belhus properties
designer cakes stephanie blythe
business networking insiders the barn essex
gemma my ruby networking
business networking insiders the barn essex
business networking insiders the barn essex mandie holgate
business networking insiders the barn essex
alex woolf insider
michelle taylor celebrant
Liliana myers
paola mcgregor
helen mccartney smith accountant and book keeper
business networking insiders the barn essex
business networking insiders the barn essex
ian ibrahim christies care
business networking insiders the barn essex
caral beard digital koala
lydia belhus properties
claire jakes business woman
clare lovell GOSH

Mandie Holgate – Best selling non fiction author, speaker and coach.

Liliana Myers – therapist and grief specialist.

Paula Mcgregor – Slow Stitch School.

Hazel Kettlewell – Denim Fairy.

Tracey Fordham – Travel Agent and Bengal Cat Breeder.

Tina Wing – Photographer.

Sarah Travers – IFA.

Julie Dallard and Raj – Childrens Heart Federation.

Karen Sullivan – Swim 2 Swim.

Helen McCartney-Smith – HMS Accounting.

Angel Clark – 1 Oak Care.

Liz Standley – Travel Agent.

Anita Hukcle – Sex therapist and couples counselling.

Sally Anderson – Wai – WRite Wai Pr and Copywriting.

Sam Wood – The Only Way is Rowing.

Shelie Steptoe – Spiritual expert.

Michelle Mersh – Maddisons UK.

Alexandra Woolf – Scar healing specialist.

Julie McCraken – Paige and Jade – Creeksea Place Barns and Clock Work Hotel.

Ian Ibrahim – Christies Care.

James McKearney and Carla Beard – Koala Digital.

Inocencia Abreu – Distant shores beauty.

Stephanie Blythe – The Cakeworx Ltd.

Lydia Adams – Belhus Properties and The Essex Property Show.

Jayne Meek – Spritzmonkey Cyber Security Specialists.

Claire Jakes – Meamora stylist and ICU neonatal nurse.

Michelle Taylor – The Savvy Celebrant

Kelly Sexton – Creative Brides.

Claire Lovell – GOSH projects.

Bea Marshall – Queen Bea.

Gemma Hart – My Ruby VA and office services.

Caroline Tyrwhitt – Model of Excellence.

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