Spiritual Insiders

If you are a business owner, professional, business development manager, charity worker or sole trader then you may have spotted my Facebook Live on our confidential mastermind group today (20th October 20203 – 9.40am) talking about spirituality. (And for those into spirituality check out the orbs!)

It’s not something as the Founder of The Business Womans Network, non fiction author and a coach I speak about often, however over the years my spirituality practices have grown and taken on an important part of my success as an author, coach, speaker and business woman.

I was so lucky to attend TCCHE with an Insider this year (Thank you Lilly!) and had an experience that smacked me in the heart and said, “Mand, you’ve got to do this!” So I am.

What’s this, you ask?

Many people have elements of spirituality about them but don’t know how to talk about it or use it in their lives.

Many are amazing therapists, spiritualists, guides, sages, and those that seem to exude kindness and love and turn it into businesses, but I know firsthand from my work with business owners like these, how hard it can be to align the spirituality of the person to the dynamics of business. I’ve also had a mountain of experience helping these amazing people amplify their voices to be able to create a business they love. That delivers a healthy profit and honours their spiritual journey as they change the lives of others.

A great example is Sheena Ramgobin (if you don’t know her name, trust me you will!) who came to me at the start of the pandemic and tried to give me a lot of money. I told her to “Whoa, your horses!” and we worked out the best course of action. Sheena is the most amazing spiritual soul you could ever hope to meet, amazing at changing lives and altering the future, but was lousy at marketing and selling. Her story will blow minds and when she gets her books out there and the globe gets to hear her message the world will be a better place.

What happened?

Within 6 months of meeting me (virtually), Sheena had taken her average sales price from £9.95 to £995. Sheena joined the Insiders, had 3 coaching sessions, and bought 2 courses. That’s it.

Being at this conference, I could see all these amazing people with amazing ways to make the world better, but really lousy messaging—how ironic, right? I could physically feel their love and passion for what they do, but I could also tangibly feel their frustration that their message was not being heard by the right people.

What next?

So along comes a new Insider and dear friend (Hi Ruthie) who shares a symbol I didn’t know, the midas star, and on the long drive from Lancashire to Essex I added that to the Insiders logo. I’ve no idea why until today the smack in the heart said “Do it Mand”, so here it is….

Knowing me, it’s likely to alter with the advice of our amazing Insiders and as we align to what people want from us.

To join The Spiritual Insiders you will need to be a member of the Insiders and you can join that here.

As we are in our very soft launch phrase Insiders will decide how much they pay.

Either, £1, £5, £10 or £20 to join the spiritual version.

We will not directly discuss business strategy on The Spiritual Insiders, as that place already actively exists on The Insiders, where we have a mountain of training, support, networking, and ways to grow your business.

As a member you will get 50% discount on my courses still – those are listed here.

I aim to help all that join to explore their spirituality, learn from one another, gift intentional mediation, share books we’ve loved and speakers we’ve found inspirational.

Am I an expert in this?
No, I started on my own spiritual path when I was 17 and learned meditation. Then I read Louise Hay’s “Heal Your Life” at 18 and was having Reiki 31 years ago. I can naturally flip into a calm state with my meditation practises and have trusted them in times of great stress. My husband, who had a blood clot, stroke, open heart surgery, and cancer, is now fine and my Lupus did not flare because of the spiritual practices I use naturally every day.

I’ve used this practices to visualise solutions and then find them. Despite Lupus, Reynauds, Fibromyalgia and Srjogens I take no medication and use blessed hemp, supplements and my spiritual practices. I do indeed believe mind over matter and I want to share what I know and help you meet the amazing people I know.

Why now?

One of the first things I will share with the new confidential mastermind group is an experience that was so out of this world, I thought perhaps I’d finally gone crazy! It was beautiful, I felt intense love, and I found myself knowing stuff I’d no right to know. (And people kept calling me phsyic – there’s one for me to explore because I have no idea on that!)

So join us.

You can only do this as an existing insider, and you will only pay for your chosen donation.

Just like the mainstream insiders where we grow businesses, professionals, and teams, the price will increase. You currently control the monthly fee you pay – either £1, £5, £10 or £20. Email us with your preferred amount and confirmation that you’ve altered your monthly direct debit accordingly.

The price WILL go up!

It will be £20 a month by the end of 2024, but if you join before then, just like the Insiders, you will only pay your historic rate unless you wish to pay more as many Insiders do choose to. Did you know when I surveyed the Insiders on what they would pay to be a member of our business growth and networking community, they said they’d pay between £15 and £195 per month! And we still only charge £20 a month.

So maybe see you there?

How can I join Mand, I want in!

For insiders to join, just email me with the amount you have set up to pay via the current payment method you use – either Direct debit or via PayPal, and I will give you access. Congratulations to Julie Dallard from Children’s Heart Federation for being the first to join us. Julie makes the most stunning jewellery, is a Neal’s Yard representative, and has a beautiful spiritual soul. As are we all!

And if this is all way too far-fetched and “out there” for you, don’t worry; my woo-woo will mostly stay away from our professional networking and business growth community. Mostly.

I look forward to hearing your stories, learning from your skills, and amplifying your voice. I genuinely believe we can do so much to make this world better, but it will have to start with the most amazing thing in existence. Love.

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