Recap – What You Missed On The Insiders Week 10 – 11
HIPAA and GDPR if you are compliant in one are you compliant in the other? Good thing we have affiliate Adavista on board! You get a discount to be legal and it takes on average 2 hours and £200 with our discount. Click here to learn about the businesses you get discounts with.
This year we celebrate 15 award winning years of growing and supporting businesses. Now in Europe too. How we celebrate;
- Face to face business growth and networking event 22nd May 10am. £9 Insiders. £15 non members. To pre-register email here. Essex / Suffolk border.
- All Insiders can gift a product or service to our May competition. Every month you could win one of these courses worth £75 to £2950. This month you could win a virtual headshot photoshoot with John Bentley, a Canva training course, a book from The Money Saving Mum and we only launched it 2 hours ago! To offer a prize see post from 15.3.24 2:19pm

Database reminder – do you get our monthly newsletter? If not sign up here.
Video training from Mandie around assumptions on failing, concerns about earning potential and preferred outcomes with a new venture.
Canva’s Design To Image app is truly game-changing. Find out in the video Affiliate training video from Naomi Johnson our Canva Digital affiliate.
Patreon, Teachable, Kajabi, New Zenler, Wix, how do you sell your products? Discussion on what is used by Insiders, why and the benefits and limitations. Do share your views.
Virtual networking and business planning event 20th March, 10am. Link added to Insiders. Jenny from Pangels hosting. Any questions email here or tag Jenny Sjollema on the Insiders. This networking is free to Insiders. Join here. Thank you Jenny for hosting! Link sent to group 7.3.24 8.10am.
Working together Tina Wing Photography was thanked by Sue Davies from Salon Education Journal for their fabulous launch party photos.

New members Paula Mcgregor, Carol Eves, Wobbly Pins Karen Hughes from Heart Art. Christine Lester.
FREE course ends 31.3.24 Update from members completing the Mindset and Skillset assessor. This is STILL FREE however it will revert to £75 on the 1st of April. Learn more here.
Sponsorship opportunity for an event with 10,000 footfall this summer.
Congratulations to Caroline Beament on hitting another promotion with Utility Warehouse! We are so happy for you. It’s been an exciting and challenging time moving house and all so well done Caroline!
Social media and website reviews. Insiders are welcome to share their links and receive feedback. Does it flow? Is there a clear call to action? Can we understand the sales funnel and expected outcomes? Does it connect with us? Etc etc.
Go High Level – who is using and what benefits have you found?
Top 10 Reasons People Buy Great question that sparked a lot of conversation from John Bentley, Lancashire photographer.
1. To Make Money
3. To Save Time
4. To Avoid Effort
5. To Attract Others
6. To Be In Style
7. To Protect the Family
8. To Gain Praise/Recognition
9. To Be Unique
10. To Feel Good About Themselves
Understanding these reasons can help us to tailor our marketing strategies so they resonate with your ideal client.
Which do you feel applies to your business?
Should you post questions anonymously, publicly or stick to confidential communities like the Insiders?
Is a profile image essential to your view on connecting with someone? Very interesting discussion.
What resources do you use of Insiders?
And what value would you put on each one?
- Networking virtual event.
- Networking every day. Here.
- Promotion on our social media accounts.
- Promotion on our website.
- Directory on website.
- Published to our award winning blog.
- 50% discount on my courses.
- Mentoring from me.
- Mentoring from Insiders.
- Free courses (limited time period. Mindset and skillset will not be free soon. So if you would like to have that FOC email me.)
- Monthly competition courses £75 to £2950.
- Confidential community on FB. (Looking to launch a LI version.)
- Ad hoc F2F networking.
- Promotion Newsletter.
- Planners.
- Coaching.
- Discounted done for you service – blogs, awards, email marketing, business plans, content, etc.
- Discount on sponsoring website.
- Coaching from me.
- Training from me.
- Training from Insiders and affiliates.
- Discounts from affiliates.
LinkedIn BWN / Insiders group – are you in? There are 2118 members and 1059 active! Join here. Some members realised they’d joined when we first launched!
Advice on personalised email address linking to a google account.
Questions on why Zoom drops out on video.
New magazine launch from artist Paola Minekov has some names you may recognise. Best selling fiction author Soulla Christdoulou and our Founder Mandie Holgate. Learn more here. Or 4.3.24 12.51pm on the Insiders.
Stop being reactive and start being proactive. and why this is so important and the impact it has.
Follow up. Book idea to best seller course and how to get known as a writer.
Thinking big and getting the results you want in your business. Understanding how limiting beliefs and values impact on your actions and earning potential.
CIC, Business or charity? Advice for a member from other members.
Blogging for business course advice. As you work on any of our courses you can post your learning and market research questions to the Insiders who will help along with the trainer Mandie Holgate. One lucky Insider had 27 comments helping them hone their results! Learn more here. Courses prices rise 1st May 2024.