December Newsletter

White and Red Corporate Personal Profile Linkedin BannerWe don’t edit this newsletter from email to website. We keep admin to a minimum so we can spend our time with business owners, professionals, charities and public sector staff that want our help.

Here you can read our December newsletter with lots of great news from our members. We are beyond happy for all of our Insiders and will do our very best to deliver to you in 2024 too.

Didn’t get our newsletter for business owners and professionals? You can do that via our contact us page or email us via that page.

Hi Business Owner,

You’re going to want to read every word of this email. 

* One idea from Mandie, helped one business owner make £18,000 from something they didn’t even know they could charge for. 

** Another has made over £4 million in sales from their business. 

*** Another made sales at our networking events without even attending. 

Exclusive 2024 events, training, business holidays and more.
– Free networking and business training dates for 2024.
– Inspiring insights, educational advice, and opportunities to help you make more money and grow your business.
– Competition winner.
– New members. 
– There’s courses, competitions, trends, market research for 2024 and so much more.
Don’t forget we deliver more than just networking.
We can train your staff for you from £20 a month. We promote your business on our site with links. We promote your business through our social media.
Join us

Are you reading this?
So are 198 Insiders who are in the public sector, law, manufacturing, tech, finance, logistics, well being and health, property, management, education, hospitality, commerce, HR, energy, artists, actors and authors.
And our huge online community of over 50,000 across Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook and our award winning website.Imagine getting in front of our audiences for £20 a month!

Insiders BWN Blog article for promotion on website (7)Fast Solutions For Small Businesses With Big Problems.Always innovating for our members the FAST plan was born!Here the incredibly talented photographer John Bentley shares how the £35 FAST plan launched less than 2 weeks ago is already making a difference in Johns’ business. Yes, £35 .Click here to read the full story and sign up.Insiders BWN Blog article for promotion on website (5)Gain Sales At Our Events Without AttendingOur Founder loves a challenge and loves training companies in the art of powerful elevator pitches. So when a business can’t attend our events they can email a 60 seconds for Mandie to read out. Great at ad lib on the spot marketing brilliance worked fast last month. With Caroline Beament busy with a house move, Mandie delivered her 60 seconds. This led to 2 sales and 2 Insiders saving £2160 in less than an hour. Read more and  how to make sales without attending here. Insiders BWN Blog article for promotion on website (4)Free PRSoulla goes National!It’s Wonderful To Share That Not Only Has Soulla Had Great Success With Local And Regional Press, Now Her Exceptional Fiction Takes Her Into The National Press! Congratulations Soulla, Click here to read the full story.Insiders BWN Blog article for promotion on website (8)4 million in sales!Congratulations to Liz Standley on exceptional sales figures. This is a real feel good small business success story, you will love it.Read more about her award winning travel agency here.Insiders BWN Blog article for promotion on website (2)-1Diet Industry Secrets Are Out!Caroline Tyrwhitt is living proof of what can happen when you alter your mindset. An amazing story of huge weight loss, no crazy diet, killer work outs or binning the chocolates. You will love this read.Insiders BWN Blog article for promotion on website (3)Next Gen Inspire Suffolk Business OwnersExpert and massive advocate for Suffolk businesses, Penny Wilby found time to inspire the next generation but wasn’t expecting them to inspire her. Read more here.Insiders BWN Blog article for promotion on website (1)-1Hidden Health Issues. How NHS Tests Rarely Tell The Whole StoryA business without a body is impossible and yet too many professionals ignore symptoms, so it’s good we’ve Doctor Anca as an Insider. This is an exceptional read.Insiders BWN Blog article for promotion on website (6)2024 Opportunities!It’s incredibly exciting to announce that our member Sue Davies, editor of Salon Education Journal is working in partnership with the Hair and Beauty Directory to create the glitziest event you can imagine. You can attend. AND you can sponsor it! See you there! Learn more here. And as an Insider we can promote that you will be there too.

It’s scary that you could launch your new business and be sued! It’s even scarier to know small businesses open themselves up to this risk all the time. Here new members Kate Bunn from KK Legal Consulting Ltd shares some essential information to keep your small business safe.Insiders BWN Blog article for promotion on website (10)-1Insiders Work Together To Automate New BusinessWe do the happy dance with our members when they make sales at our events. Here Jo Hanby talks about working with Xero Expert Bernie Hughes and why Xero is seriously good for small businesses.Click here to read.Blue White Under water Group Project Presentation Woo Woo For You? 
If you feel the number 11:11 talks to you. Or a 20 minute meditation brings calm and clear thought to your day.You may be interested in our new community the Spiritual Insiders.
Our mission is to amplify the voices of spiritual business owners and professionals and support those looking for a way to stay calm and happy in a crazy world. 
Click here to learn more and join.  

Free networking and business growth – 2024Dates for your diary3rd Wed of every month missing school holidays10am to midday.
17th January.14th February20th March24th April15th May19th June17th JulyAugust no event18th September.16th October.20th November.11th December.

Business Holiday?
We’ve started discussing an Insiders Holiday. A chance to come together from around the UK (and Spain and Italy!) and work together. Our 2 hour networking sessions are so powerful it’s hard to believe we achieve so much in that time, imagine what we could do in a holiday.
On the Insiders get involved in the conversations;How long would work for you? 3 days to 1 week?Any needs you may have?What would you like to deliver a masterclass on? So far we have Blogging, Elevator Pitches, Photography masterclasses in head shots and product images, relaxation techniques and web design advice.Add your views to the confidential mastermind group. This could be the holiday of a lifetime – fun, productive, empowering and very good for business.Have questions?

Either respond to this email or contact the sender on

Congratulations....To Julia Dallard from The Children’s Heart Federation Every month one lucky Insider wins a course. There’s a lot to choose from.See our shop below for the courses on offer or click here.

New Members… Welcome our new members, find their socials, comment on their posts and network.
Susanne Knabe – Nicol from Randos Properties.
Kate Bunn  from KK B Legal Services.
Psychologist Helen Reade.
Lynsey Stacey from Peldon Kitchens.

We look forward to your contributions to our community.

With the launch of the new FAST plan the shop is a popular place. Here you buy courses and pick up a great book from one of many best selling authors.Don’t forget if you read a book written by one of our members please do send them a review. Thank you. Explore our shop here

So how does The Insiders work?
With business men and women from every industry imaginable…It works how you want it too.
Some have been members for 8+ years and never access the networking, choosing to use the 50% discount codes for our courses.
Some only want to network and that’s fine. You can do that at the monthly events and on the confidential mastermind group every day of the year if you wanted to.
Some only stalk us – we know you do and that’s okay.
Some are more interested in the free promotion and there’s a lot of that in  your £20 a month membership. Publication to our award winning website. promotion through our IG, FB and LI accounts – check out how many followers we have to see how many people that is we can get you in front of. 
Some have day jobs and are building a side income or looking to leave employment and launch their own business. For them they love the Quit the Day Job course and the mentoring and training on the mastermind group.
Some use it for market trends and to discuss new ideas and products they could launch.  Insiders will be honest with you, so the quality of the advice is exceptional.

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