overcoming the obstacles young women face to success in the work place
Personal power, communication skills, mentoring & empowerment, personal branding practical support and goal achieving.
Employers, Female Graduates and Students, did you know?
- Male graduates earn more on average than female graduates.
- Men are more likely to be in highly skilled employment and not in part time employment.
- Women expect lower salaries than men.*
- In all ethnic groups, males earn more than females within the same ethnic group.
- Men make more job applications than women with women making 45″ fewer applications.
- Women are 16% less likely to apply for a job via LinkedIn.
- Women are more selective in their application and tend to be more successful – however 23% take more than 4 hours to complete applications.
- Women expect £25,832 in their first year and £47,492 by their fifth-year post-graduation. In comparison men, expect £29,279 and £60,521.
- Women’s confidence and self esteem plays a key role in the success of their early years career.
- Female students are more likely to work throughout their degrees than men whereas men are likely to have an internship which strengthens employability.
- On LinkedIn recruiters are 13% less likely to click on a woman’s LinkedIn profile. The same survey showed that interviewed women were more likely to be offered the job.
- The gender pay gap is not going away unless we change the way young women are perceived, trained and mentored during their degree.

We know there’s a better way…
Mandie Holgate has built the confidence of over 10,000 women with mentoring, training, courses, books and her mastermind group.
This is a low cost, low time input, result driven programme that has delivered post grad jobs in top UK firms, higher starting careers.
We’ve identified 6 keys areas that women need to excel at to excel in business;
- Personal Power – understanding self, emotional intelligence, confidence, mindset and natural style.
- Communication – Written, Public speaking and presentation, social and digital platforms.
- Support, Mentoring and Empowerment – to ensure accountability, success stories, support to prevail when you face adversity.
- Personal Branding – stand out from the crowd. Be yourself. Moving towards 2030 the need for transparency, honesty and confidence has never been so crucial.
- Practical Support – legal, funding, investment, education and training.
- Goal Achieving – how to plan, action and get what you want.
- Employers – rewrite the future – minimum effort or cost to company – maximum benefit.
- Employees – further your career, higher salaries and potential, fast.
- Post Graduations – get the support training and guidance to excel – ditch the part time low paid job forever!
- Students – get ahead of the game, and improve your odds. Make yourself luckier on the career path!
- Online community hosted by international coach, author and cheerleader Mandie Holgate delivering, training, mentoring and coaching. 24/7.
- Webinars. Watch again around your busy day.
- Expert advice and guidance with top UK experts.
- Targeted courses in key areas of business, communication, mindset.
- We will do our level best to fit the individual budgets of all delegates.
You can sign up above, or email us for more information here. We are keeping the subscription as low as possible to ensure we are accessible to all. If we can find funding we would be able to do more. We want to tear down the barriers to success. Can you help us achieve that?
Courses and mentoring

15 years of award-winning support for you, your people and your business…
Sponsorship fee – £250 for 2024
Insider rate £150 for 2024
Includes writing for our blog, sponsored banner and links!
We are named as one of the top 15 resources in the UK for female entrepreneurs by 99 Designs.
And our one of Small Business Saturday Top 100 businesses (As featured in The Guardian).